business analysis task 9
Do you have all your deliverables ready for your presentation?
Now that you know about the underlying competencies required by a Business Analyst, apply that knowledge to your personal project.
- Communication skills are extremely important in the Business Analysis’ world. Review your list of stakeholders for our project and build a communication plan that includes the following:
- Name, email address, phone number and location of each stakeholder. (This information can be made up but realistic.)
- Preferred meeting day and time for each stakeholder.
- Type of communication for each stakeholder that includes the detail, length, frequency, media, and delivery method.
- Provide two examples of communications that you would use for your stakeholders.
- Don’t forget social media as a way to reach your stakeholders especially if your stakeholders are highly engaged in social media.
- Describe how your plan on addressing any negative expectations or confrontations based on the stakeholders’ personality.
On the home stretch, let’s finish up the rest of the chapters.
- Read Chapter 10 (Techniques) of the IIBA Book.
- From Chapter 10, select 5 different techniques that as a Business Analyst you will use on a regular basis.
- Make sure one of your selection is a model.
- Research what is a use case model and how it is used by Business Analysts.
- Read Chapter 11 (Perspectives) of the IIBA Book.
- Since you are in an Information Technology program, as you read 11.3, think about how this perspective could have an effect on your project.
Prepare for your presentation.
- Take the time to work on your 10-15 minute presentation in class to your peers and your instructor.
- Be sure to have all graded and updated deliverables to be available for review.
For you task, submit the deliverable for your personal project. Include the following:
- Create the communication document for your personal project that includes the following:
- Name, email address, phone number and location of each stakeholder. (This information can be made up but realistic.)
- Preferred meeting day and time for each stakeholder.
- Type of communication for each stakeholder that includes the detail, length, frequency, media, and delivery method.
- Provide two examples of communications that you would use for your stakeholders.
- Describe how you plan on addressing any negative expectations or confrontations based on the stakeholders’ personality.