constitutional competence
Apply principles of effective communication and information literacy.
Examine important public administration concepts and their practical relevance.
Apply research and analytical skills to assess administrative concepts and situations.
Apply principles of professionalism and ethics.
Examine the roles and interrelationships of organizations from the three sectors.
Apply management, policy, and organizational concepts and theories.
Explain constitutional principles and their importance for public administrators.
Demonstrate critical thinking by evaluating resources, investigating a situation, validating assumptions, and examining multiple perspectives.
1. Create a 1-2 page creative yet professionally formatted document/email/webpage/blog/newsletter/social media tool/other that:
o Discuss what public administrators should know and do today to comply with the key legal principle(s). For example, locate recent instances of professionals or organizations that ran afoul of these principles and the resulting legal, financial, political or other implications they experienced. Discuss what they should do to prevent and or respond to such situations.
o Recommend policies, procedures, or best practices that organizations have put in place to comply with the relevant legal obligations related to the key legal principle(s). These may be principles recommended by professional associations and government bodies or used by government and nonprofit organizations. Whenever possible, refer the reader to a specific, real world example or credible source.