discussion 7 8 1

Week 7-8 Discussion-Open Journal

Locked before Tuesday, July 30, 2019 12:30 AM EDT.

Open journal week:

In this last discussion, select a disability issue and elaborate on

  1. your own experiences OR a case study(you can choose from our classroom cases and/or TED talks, or find your own from the current events below-such as a current paralympian, see current event suggestions). One paragraph.
  2. How one discussion and/or course readings(one paragraph), and current events relate to this issue(one paragraph, see suggestions below).

Note: we already have discussions and course readings, see below for current event sources:

Current event suggestions to choose from :

The Paralympics(this is perfect timing for us, since it is currently going on, some really inspiring atheletes in there)


And here is a young Olympian who uses rap to fuel his championship swimming!


There are also many breaking news coverage on the particular athletes that you can find. All inspiring!

Here’s our amazing team USA! Go, champions, go!


Disability scoop-covers a lot of the latest finds.


National news center on disability and journalism-latest in the field, and even an Oscar(check out the acceptance speech in sign language, among other things). To the left of the screen you can check out material related to your topic of interest, since it has a wide category to choose from.


Added as case study current events-Dr Stephen Hawking. RIP.


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