famous mathematicians to be written about are maria agnesi florence nightingale or benjamin banneker
Write a minimum of a 2-page paper (excluding the title page and bibliography) on a famous mathematician (listed at the end).
The title page must include the following elements:
Name of the mathematician
Picture of the mathematician
Dates of birth and death of the mathematician
Your name and class
Date the paper is due (7/28/19)
The report must include the following information:
Dates of birth and death of the mathematician
Places of birth and death
Living conditions as a child/family life
Educational background
Additional biographical information where applicable
Most significant contribution(s) to the field of mathematics
Relevance of contribution(s) to mathematics today
The paper is to be a minimum of 3 pages of content
that is double-spaced with a 12-point Arial font. It will also have a
cover page with the specifications listed above. In addition to the content pages and the cover page, it will also have a bibliography page. All quotes and information must
be cited accurately and correctly. Merely listing sources in a
bibliography page is unacceptable. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of points as outlined in the rubric. At least 3 different sources are to be used. PLEASE DO NOT CUT AND COPY