hbcp part 5

HBCP Part 5 Rubric

HBCP Part 5 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Health Plan

3.0 pts

Includes the complete description of (A) the issue statement, (B) the goal statement, and (C) the 50% goal statement.

2.0 pts

Evidence of two of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

0.0 pts

Does not include a summary of the health plan.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Behavior Model/Theory

2.0 pts

(1) Accurately describes the health behavior model/theory selected in part two of the project and (2) discusses its relevance (or lack thereof) to the behavior change experience.

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the two categories identified in the full-credit category.

0.0 pts

Does not include a health behavior model/theory.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Baseline Observation Week

2.0 pts

Summarizes the baseline week of the health behavior.

1.0 pts

Provides summary, but summary is not relevant to baseline week.

0.0 pts

Provides no summary of the baseline week of the health behavior.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWeekly Summary of Behavior Change Journal Entries

2.0 pts

Summarizes the week of daily journal entries from the one-week behavior change period.

0.0 pts

Provides no summary of daily journal entries and progress notes from the one-week behavior change period.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of the Experience of Trying to Accomplish the Goal

2.0 pts

Includes a summary of the overall goal pursuit experience.

1.0 pts

Provides summary, but summary is not relevant to overall goal pursuit experience.

0.0 pts

Does not summarize the goal pursuit experience.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Information from Research Resources

3.0 pts

Summarizes (1) first research resource, (2) second research resource, and (3) third research resource.

2.0 pts

Evidence of two of the three categories identified in the full-credit category

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

0.0 pts

Does not include a summary of information from research resources.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of Behaviors/Thoughts that would Help

3.0 pts

Describes (A) thoughts/behaviors from Part 2 that were expected to help reach goal, (B) whether these thoughts behaviors did help in Part 4, (C) and explains why or why not.

2.0 pts

Evidence of two of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

0.0 pts

Does not include analysis of behaviors/thoughts that would help.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of Power of Saboteurs

3.0 pts

Describes (A) saboteurs from Part 2 that were anticipated, (B) whether these saboteurs were encountered in Part 4, (C) and explains why or why not.

2.0 pts

Evidence of two of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the three categories identified in the full-credit category.

0.0 pts

Does not include analysis of power of saboteurs.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of What You Learned about Yourself

2.0 pts

Provides a thoughtful description of lessons learned about self, addressing helpful behaviors/thoughts, saboteurs, and rewards as appropriate.

1.0 pts

Provides an incomplete discussion of lessons learned about self that does not relate to helpful behaviors/thoughts, saboteurs, or rewards.

0.0 pts

Provides no descripton of lessons learned about self.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of What You Learned about Health Behavior Change

2.0 pts

Provides a thoughtful description of (1) lessons learned about health behavior change and (2) links the learning to course material.

1.0 pts

Evidence of one of the two full-credit categories.

0.0 pts

Provides no descripton of lessons learned about health behavior change.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatement of Future Intentions

1.0 pts

States whether he/she will attempt health behavior change again in the future, providing reasons.

0.5 pts

States whether he/she will attempt health behavior change again in the future but does not provide reasons.

0.0 pts

Does not mention future intentions.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat you Would do Differently Next Time

1.0 pts

Discusses how he/she would alter the approach to health behavior change in the future.

0.5 pts

Provides a vague mention of changes in future approach to health behavior change.

0.0 pts

Does not mention possible changes in future approach to health behavior change.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeValue of Project

1.0 pts

Discusses whether or not the project was personally valuable, providing reasons.

0.5 pts

States whether or not the project was personally valuable but does not provide reasons

0.0 pts

Does not include a discussion of perceived value of the project.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Grammar/Mechanics

2.0 pts

Organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are relatively clear, with few errors.

1.0 pts

Organization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors are somewhat frequent and distract from but do not obscure the content of the submission.

0.0 pts

Organization, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors are constant and obscure the content of the submission.

2.0 pts

Total Points: 29.0

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