refining the research focus and writing a thesis proposal

After your review of the required elements of the Proposal, which (if any) of the elements seem most difficult to you and why?

There are a variety of websites and journal articles that can help you develop a better understanding of of the research proposal process. I encourage you to explore the online library for additional sources or contact me if you have further questions.

Research Design & Methods Refresh

Please visit and search by the course number (ex: SSGS 500) to access resources from the SSGS500 course that can help you as you progress in the capstone course. In particular, consider searching for the following:

Information on Methodological Theory

Howell, Kerry. 2013. “Explaining and Understanding Theory.” In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. 19-31. Sage. DOI:

Howell, Kerry. 2013. “Empiricism, Positivism, and Post-Positivism.” In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. 32-54. Sage. DOI:
Found in Sage Research Methods Database.

Howell, Kerry. 2013. “Critical Theory.” In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. 75-87. DOI:
Found in Sage Research Methods Database.

Howell, Kerry E. 2013. “Grounded Theory.” In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. 131-153. DOI:
Found in Sage Research Methods Database.

Information on Substantive Theory

Burchill, Scott and Andrew Linklater. 2005. “Introduction.” Theories of International Relations 3rd ed. 1-28. Edited by Scott Burchill, Andrew Linklater, Richard Devetak, Jack Donnelly, Matthew Patterson, Christian Reus-Smit and Jacqui True. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hollis, Martin and Steve Smith. 1991. Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Clarendon Paperbacks. Chapters 1-4 Accessed July 1, 2015.…

Phythian, Mark. 2009. “Intelligence Theory and Theories of International Relations: Shared World or Separate Worlds?” In Intelligence Theory: Key Questions and Debates, 54-68. Edited by Peter Gill, Stephen Marrin, and Mark Phythian. New York: Routledge.

Quackenbush, Stephen L. 2010. “General Deterrence and International Conflict: Testing Perfect Deterrence Theory.” International Interactions 36, no. 1 (Jan-March): 60-85.

Smith, Heather J. and Thomas F. Pettigrew. 2015. “Advances in Relative Deprivation Theory and Research.” Social Justice Review 28, no. 1 (March): 1-6.

Wilson, Helen Beckett. 2014. “Criminal Justice? Using a Social Capital Theory to Evaluate Probation-Managed Drug Policy.” Probation Journal 61, no. 1: 60-78.

Information on Qualitative Research

Baxter, Pamela and Susan Jack. 2008. “Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.” The Qualitative Report 13, no. 4 (December): 544-559

Berg, Bruce L. and Howard Lune. 2012. “An Introduction to Content Analysis.” In Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, 8th Ed. 349-382.

George, Alexander L. and Andrew Bennett. 2004. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. MIT Press. Chapters 3-7. Accessed September 14, 2015.…

Singleton, Jr., Royce A. and Bruce C. Straits. 2010. Approaches to Social Research. 5th ed. Oxford University Press. Chapters 11-12

Wall, James A. 2004. “The Joys of Field Research.” International Negotiation 9: 345-358.

Information on Quantitative Research

Campbell, Donald T. and Julian C. Stanley. 1966. “Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research.” Accessed October 3, 2016.…

Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Gilardi and Claudio M. Radaelli. 2013. “Statistical Research Designs for Causal Inference.” In Designing Research in the Social Sciences. Sage. 69-92. DOI:
Found in Sage Research Methods Database.

Logio, Kim A., George W. Dowdall, Earl R. Babbie, and Fred S. Halley. 2008. “Exploring What Shapes Attitudes About Guns and Capital Punishment.” In Adventures in Criminal Justice Research. 164-172. DOI:

Behlendorf, Brandon, Gary Lafree, and Richard Legault. 2012. “Microcycles of Violence: Evidence from Terrorist Attacks by ETA and FMLN.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 28, no. 1 (March): 49-75.

Bartlett, James E. II, Joe W. Kotrlik, and Chadwick C. Higgins. 2001. “Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research.” Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal 19, no. 1 (Spring): 43-50.

Chasdi, Richard J. 2012. “Research Note: Terrorism in Northwestern Africa: Mali, Mauretania, and Algeria: What START’s Quantitative Data (1970-2011) Can and Cannot Tell Us.” Perspectives on Terrorism 6, no. 6: 89-103.

Smith, Ron P. 1998. “Quantitative Methods in Peace Research.” Journal of Peace Research 35, no. 4 (July): 419-427.

Information on Mixed Methods Research Methods

Creswell, John W. 2014. “Mixed Methods Procedures.” In Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 215-239. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Tashakkori, Abbas and Charles Teddlie. Eds. 2010. SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research. Chapters 1; 12-15; 18; and 21. (pages 1-42; 275-378; 432-468; and 531-556). DOI:

Wheeldon, Johannes and Mauri K. Åhlberg. 2014. “Mapping Mixed-Methods Research: Theories, Models, and Measures.” In Visualizing Social Science Research: Maps, Methods & Meaning. 113-148. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. DOI:

Information on Data Synthesis, Interpretation, and Presentation

Saldaña, Johnny. 2016. “Introduction to Codes and Coding.” In The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. 4-39. Sage.

Stroh, Matt. 2000. “Computers and Qualitative Data Analysis: to Use or Not to Use…?” In Research Training for Social Scientists, edited by Dawn Burton. 226-243. SAGE Publications. DOI:

Gayle, Vernon. 2000. “Descriptive Statistics.” In Research Training for Social Scientists, edited by Dawn Burton. 363-384. SAGE Publications. DOI:

Gayle, Vernon. 2000. “Inferential Statistics.” In Research Training for Social Scientists, edited by Dawn Burton. 385-413. SAGE Publications. DOI:

Singleton, Jr., Royce A. and Bruce C. Straits. 2010. “Data Processing and Elementary Data Analysis.” and “Multivariate Analysis.” Approaches to Social Research. 5th ed. Oxford University Press. Chapter 15 and 16. 497-564.

Howell, Kerry. 2013. “Reliability, Generalisation and Reflexivity: Identifying Validity and Trustworthiness.” In An Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. 182-192. Sage. DOI:

Wheeldon, Johannes and Mauri K. Åhlberg. “Putting It All Together: Using Maps and Diagrams to Organize, Write, and Reflect on Research. In Visualizing Social Science Research: Maps, Methods & Meanings. 149-172. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing, Inc. DOI:

Burton, Dawn. 2000. “Writing a Thesis.” In Research Training for Social Scientists, edited by Dawn Burton. 423-436. SAGE Publications. DOI:

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