reflection paper 393

Please prepare a 2-page, double-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman 12 font, paper that reflects on your personal learning objectives for this course, as well as the course level objectives for WKEX 1014 General Work Experience. You can review your Learning Objectives Contract to refresh on your personal objectives and the course objectives for WKEX 1014 General Work Experience are:

  • Demonstrate desirable work habits, attitudes, and skills
  • Achieve satisfactory progress towards their individual learning objectives
  • Obtain a heightened sense of career awareness towards jobs

For your convenience, I have included the rubric I will use when grading your reflection papers. To ensure you earn a “complete”, make sure you cover all the areas described in the rubric.

Write this paper as if you have accomplished the SLO’s in the attached file. There are 3 of them


Reflection Paper Rubric

Reflection Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePositive Work habits, attitudes, & skillsStudent discusses and provides detailed examples of the positive work habits, attitudes, and skills they demonstrated on the job

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Did Not Achieve

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNegative Work habits, attitudes, & skillsStudent discusses and provides detailed examples of the negative work habits, attitudes, and skills they demonstrated on the job

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Did Not Achieve

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLearning ObjectivesStudent describes their individual learning objectives and how they did or did not make progress towards them. If they did not make progress, student reflects on what they could have done differently to be successful

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Did Not Achieve

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSuccessful EmployeeStudent describes what they learned about what it takes to be a successful employee on their job and how they could apply the skills learned to their future career

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Did Not Achieve

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormattingStudent submitted 2 page paper Student used Times New Roman 12pt Font Student used 1” margins

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Did Not Achieve

0.0 pts

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