sfty 440 research paper terrain avoidance and warnings system

Select and declare a topic of your choosing in the discipline of System Safety application. Your research must show how System Safety Concepts are being applied, or could be applied, to an aircraft system that was introduced after an aircraft accident. For example, the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) was developed because pilots were flying aircraft into terrain due to loss of situational awareness not mechanical problems. Throughout the course, we will be discussing the use of System Safety Management techniques in aviation and non-aviation settings.

Paper Elements:

Aircraft systems in real-world situations that were introduced based on accidents.

These elements can be included in your outline:

  • maintenance project design,
  • aircraft design and development,
  • aircraft repair and retrofit,
  • maintenance program operation,

Papers that solely discuss flight systems and not based on an accident will be penalized, as will papers based solely on anecdotal information.The paper is intended to cause you to do some research as well as demonstrate your thinking and writing skills.

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