swot analysis 118

Create a SWOT Analysis Chart

A SWOT analysis of internal strengths & weaknesses and external opportunities & threats helps to formulate strategies that support the portfolio company’s mission. Good strategies support the company’s mission and also: (1) exploit opportunities and strengths, (2) neutralize threats, and (3) avoid weaknesses. SWOT analysis usually pertains to essential business functions, such as: operations, finance, marketing, research & development, and also examines the company’s organizational chart, management experience, and human resources.

Select any fortune 500 companies for this assignment.


The SWOT assignment would help you to practice the kind of analysis that is used by businesses for strategic planning. You will be asked to think about the SWOT analysis for the company you selected considering all the aspects of business covered in this course.


Your submission should include 4 sections: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (with full descriptions and explanations). You should use consistent headings, formatting and fonts. Your submission should contain citations for all information used from other sources and use of correct APA reference style.

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