exhibit 3 3 the phases of decision making states that the first phase is to identify and diagnose the problem and the second phase is to generate alternative solution for this forum recall a decision you recently made at work and complete steps 1 6
Exhibit 3.3 – The Phases of Decision Making states that the first phase is to identify and diagnose the problem and the second phase is to generate alternative solution. For this forum, recall a decision you recently made at work and complete steps 1 – 6 in the phases of decision making (pg. 77).
Note: Please use the sources
Sources :
Textbook :
Management: Leading and Collaborating in the Competitive World 13th e (loose-leaf) (Bateman/Snell/Konopaske), McGraw-Hill (2018)
ISBN: 9781260194241
Video Youtube : What if? The key to making good decisions | Nidhi Kaira | TEDxManahattanBeach
Great Leaders are Great Decision-Makers: Three Qualities to Take the Paralysis out of Decision Analysis. https://gbr.pepperdine.edu/2010/10/great-leaders-are-great-decision-makers/