literature exam

Please download the attached PDF and complete the exam at your own pace and convenience during the exam period: LIT 273 Exam Two SU 2019.pdf (Posted Below)

Create a Word document in MLA format:…

You may then record your responses as numbered items to reflect the exam sections and numbers (Part I: Passage 2; Part II, 1), 2), 3), and so on).

Content:Each exam will cover the readings and course material for a particular time period: circa 2 weeks of material on each exam during the 4 -week summer session. The exam will be a combination of textual passage identifications/analyses, short-answer questions/topics, and short essays on topics developed from the reading,discussion,and/or informal writing assignments and activities. Exam writing is formal writing which usually takes the form of a critical analysis that reflects your interpretation and ideas about the readings. (All readings are posted below)

Resources: The only required sources are the primary texts themselves and course materials : this is an“open book” test, and students are encouraged to consult the readings in order to support their responses.Outside sources and discussion forum messages may be used or referred to, but they need to be cited correctly and completely in standard MLA format in order to uphold academic integrity.

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