discussion forum teenagers and drugs
- Hello, everyone
- This is your Discussion Forum #3. Please, click on the link above to access the video information.
- Then click on Create Thread TAB located on the upper left side to watch the videos.
- Then you must write comments on one (1) of the videos provided (8-12 sentences) and reply at least two (2) peers posting in a meaningful manner 5-6 sentences and provide with a specific and concrete comments to receive full credit on the assignment.
- Do not copy or paste information for your comments or feedbacks. If you do, you will receive a “0” score this assignment. No Exceptions and No make-up!
- Please, follow these easy steps:
- When responding to your peers, you must type the student’s name you are currently responding to and make reference to his/her comments about the topic in a very meaningful way.
- By doing so, your assignment will be graded with the maximum score.
- Do not forget to read the discussion board rubric to understand the grading criteria located on this page and on your content column which is located on your right side.
- Attributes of an Exemplary Discussion Contribution or Response:
- 1- The discussion or response clearly addressed the content issue(s) presented in the video.
- 2- The discussion or response includes appropriate level(s) of critical thinking.
- 3- The discussion contribution or response is consice, clearly organized and well structured.
- 4- The discussion contribution or response uses grammar, spelling, and mechanics expected of a undergraduate level composition and expression.
- 5- The discussion contribution or response includes pertinent course and disciplinary concepts, theories or materials and applies them correctly.
- 6- The discussion contribution or response fosters collaboration with fellow learners and communicates in a manner that respects dignity and integrity of fellow learners and the professor.
- 7- The discussion contribution or response meaningfully supplements and extends consideration of the topic including one of the following topics: new information, questions, constructive or corrective feedback and/or alternative viewpoints.
- Prof. Rafael Ramos, M.S.
- Please, watch the videos and choose one (1) of the videos to make your comments on it and reply to two (2) of your peers.